Sewer Authority

74 Reserve Lane
Lewistown, PA 17044

Phone: 717-248-0383

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Closed daily: 12:00 – 12:30

Randy Leister – Operations Manager
Mike Cherry – Maintenance
Ken Shawver – Maintenance
Carolyn Mumper – Office Manager
Karen Kahley – Clerk

Board Members
Murray Laite – Chairman
Ronald E. Napikoski, Jr. – Vice Chairman
Doug Marks
Scott Mauery
John McCullough
Tim Searer – Solicitor
Buchart Horn, Inc. – Engineer

The Derry Township Sanitary Sewer Authority Board meets the second Monday of every month at 4:30 p.m. at the Township building. The Authority is responsible for maintaining the public sanitary sewer lines.

Sewer Billing Cycles

Rates / Forms
Residential: Flat Rate $132/Quarter
Commercial: $12.50/1000 gallons (minimum of $132/Quarter)
Vacant properties (no water usage for ENTIRE Quarter): $85/Quarter

Please complete the vacancy form and submit it to the office.
Derry Sewer offers direct billing as a convenient payment option!
Derry Sewer accepts on-line payments (fees apply)
Derry Sewer pay by phone (fees apply): (877) 825.3599

New construction/hook up? Click here for Sewer Lateral Specifications.

Permits are required for new construction tap in, existing line repairs, and cap off to remove from the system (with Authority’s approval). Please contact the office for details.