Zoning Officer
Chris Dobson
Phone: (717) 248-8151
Email: zoning@derrytwp.info
Zoning Permits
Accessory Use (Sheds, garages, swimming pools, etc.)
Demolition Permit
Driveway Permit
Sidewalk Permit
Sign Permit
**Please note that permits include two inspections. Additional inspections are $40/each**
Zoning permits are required prior to a change in use of land or structure or the erection, construction, improvement, alteration or demolition of any structure or portion thereof. A zoning permit is also required prior to the alteration or development of any improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or the erection or alteration of any signs specified in the Derry Township Zoning Ordinance. Zoning permits are required for the construction or installation of animal waste impoundments, lakes, ponds, dams, or other water retention basins. No zoning permit shall be required for repairs or maintenance of any structure or land, provided such repairs do not change the use or the exterior dimensions of the structure, or otherwise violate the provisions of the Derry Township Zoning Ordinance. Property Owners may make application for Zoning Permits to the Zoning Officer.
In addition to zoning permits, whenever any subdivision of land or land development is proposed before any contract is made for the sale of any part thereof, and before any permit for the erection of a structure in such proposed subdivision or land development shall be granted, the owner, or his authorized agent, shall apply for and secure approval of such proposed subdivision or land development in accordance with the following procedures for subdivision and land development.
Prior to filing an application for approval of a subdivision or land development within Derry Township, the owner or his authorized agent must meet with the Township for official classification of his proposed subdivision or land development. The Township will determine whether the proposal will be classified as a minor subdivision, a major subdivision, or a land development. At that time, the Township will advise the owner or his authorized agent as to which of the procedures are consistent with the Derry Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Applicants for subdivision and/or land development plan approval are to contact the Township Manager.